الجمعة، 29 مارس 2013

The most important foods that improve memory

Almonds and raisins: materials important for memory cells and help to alleviate the problem of forgetfulness among many, which Mrakban necessary to activate the memory cells. - Raspberries and cranberries: is one of the most fruits contain antioxidants and contains cranberry Poly Phenolic compounds that help protect against neurological diseases and memory loss.
- Grapes: Rich in vitamin C and flavonoids, which helps the brain to remember and also grape is one of the most fruits ability to preserve the memory of the human being contains natural elements increase the activity of enzymes capable of charging nerve cells of the brain.

- Red Beet: working to increase blood flow to the brain and therefore oxygen delivery to the larger quantities because it contains a high proportion of material Naetrit that expand blood vessels, which helps to increase the efficiency of memory.

- Spinach: contains iron, vitamin B and antioxidants that strengthen the memory and protect brain cells and cells of the nervous system.

- Cherry: helps to enhance memory and protect the brain because it contains chemicals that help to purify the blood and strengthen memory.

- Apple: helps the brain to produce the neurotransmitter Osatlcholaan which helps stimulate memory and strengthening the effectiveness of the nervous system and gives the brain's ability to remember and serenity.

- Fatty fish: Contains omega-3 essential fatty acids that protect nerve cells and is also rich in iodine, selenium, and vitamins necessary to enhance memory.

- Ginger: helps to enhance memory and conservation and not forgetting as well as help reduce blood even flows more easily to the brain, allowing access to a larger amount of oxygen to the brain.

- Carrots: Strengthens memory because it activates metabolism in the brain as well as carrot juice works to cleanse the blood of toxins, giving a sense of comfort and disposal of inactivity and laziness.

- Onions : useful when a person is under the pressure of my mind, and a very organic for a long time, as it mitigates the former would receive blood brain
Oxygen better. Especially red onion necessary to enhance memory and increase the effectiveness of the brain in remembering.

- Chocolate: flavonoids in chocolate, especially dark chocolate stimulates the flow of blood to the brain for several hours
And also are a source of magnesium and antioxidants that improve mental performance and improved memory.

- Eggs: rich in choline, lecithin and two two Gmaian Dharoren memory

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