الجمعة، 29 مارس 2013

Water and garlic lobes ... save of rumen final ... And more!!

That the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area of ​​more things that people experience because of their eating in later times, noting that eating 4 cups of water on an empty stomach plus two lobes of garlic concludes rights of abdominal obesity and reduces blood sugar levels and pressure.

That increased abdominal circumference of 82 cm for females and 94 cm in men pose a risk to their health as well as the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area causing pain Backache and feet and an inability to climb the ladder and make any small effort advising not to sleep after eating directly and a cup drenched latency with ginger and cinnamon to burn fat as well as nuts, especially walnuts, Sudanese and almonds reduce harmful cholesterol in the body and makes a person feel full.
Advise interesting diet sons and especially during the study and care of food, which helps to strengthen the immune and concentration such as potatoes because the large amount of vitamin A, and oats with milk strengthens the immune and increases concentration and increases depression because its large amount of amino acids healthier eating grilled fish, especially salmon and mackerel and tuna to the high nutritional value and contain beneficial fatty acids (omega-3).
And I would recommend also doing exercises to flatten the abdominal muscles and the division of dishes and drinking water on an empty stomach to get rid of accumulated fat in the abdominal area "rumen" There Japanese study confirms that eating 4 cups of water on an empty stomach plus two lobes of garlic to get rid of human obesity abdomen and reduce the level of sugar and pressure In addition, the cumin powder "black bean" has many benefits, including melt fat.

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